Health Insurance in Turkey: 5 Important Tips for Foreigners
If you are considering moving to Turkey or already live in Turkey, there are a few essential requirements to complete your residence permit application or renewal. Finding proper health insurance in Turkey comes at the top of the list, and this article is meant to answer all of your questions.
Don’t worry, we have all the information you need to get started on this process.
For those of you not entirely sure if you need health insurance in Turkey, you are in the right place. However if you have already decided that you would like to acquire a health insurance policy, then you can go ahead and contact us here to get a free quote and we will get you set up right away with a comprehensive and affordable plan.
Now, let’s discuss everything you need to know about health insurance in Turkey and how it relates to your residence permit application.
![Health Insurance in Turkey]()
Who needs health insurance in Turkey?
Many people wonder if their insurance from home qualifies in other countries. While your international insurance policy may be valid for use in Turkey, it most likely will not be valid for your residence permit application unless it is purchased in Turkey.
Everyone who is applying for a residence permit in Turkey – whether it be for touristic, educational or other purposes – needs to have a valid health insurance that covers the duration of their residence in the country.
When should you purchase health insurance in Turkey?
In addition to the insurer being based in Turkey, the start date of your insurance should match the start date of your residence permit application. Your insurance coverage should last the entire duration that you are requesting your residence permit for.
Keep in mind that since the residence permit application decisions are entirely up to the Immigration Office (Goc Idaresi), having insurance coverage for a duration of time still does not guarantee a residence application to get approved.
How to get started?
At Settle Turkey, we offer the quickest and most affordable health insurance that you can use for your residence permit application with the help of our trusted partners. The entire process can be done remotely and very quickly, as we know our clients’ needs are time sensitive.
All you have to do is contact us now and we will get you set up in a few minutes! For the fastest answer rates, please make sure to include your exact birthdate.
What is the scope of the insurance coverage?
Our partners offer the best healthcare services at the lowest price point in accordance with the regulations, offering 7/24 coverage for the examination, treatment and care costs.
Inpatient coverage includes:
- hospital services (surgery, surgical theater, anesthesia, medicine, laboratory costs etc.)
- room, bed, and food costs for the hospitalization period
- diagnostic biochemistry, microbiology, pathology analyses, radiological assessment and imaging procedures effected during inpatient care
It also includes:
- post-surgery physiotherapy
- chemotherapy
- radiotherapy
- dialysis
- medical treatment lasting less than 24 hours (observation)
- artificial limb costs incurred due to a loss of a limb, caused by an accident or illness
- treatment provided at intensive care units
- dental and nose treatments required in the aftermath of a traffic accident.
Outpatient coverage includes:
- doctor’s examination
- diagnostic review
- medicine
- physiotherapy.
Can I get more comprehensive insurance in Turkey?
If you need your health insurance in Turkey for special medical needs and are looking for a more comprehensive deal, we also have options for you. However, often you need to have a valid residence permit and an ID number associated with it in order to qualify for plans with expansive coverage that include procedures related to pregnancy, dental work, and more.
For detailed information about our partners’ extensive insurance coverage network or to get started on the process right away, get in touch with our experts at Settle Turkey. We are here to answer all your additional questions and help you throughout the entire process. Contact us now, and start your life in Turkey the right way.